Sellers can put their items up for sale, but only after a thorough approval process by Ruby Lane. Prices are more or less set by the artists, however you can "Make An Offer" if you would like to suggest another price for an item. With a set return policy and a commitment to customer service, this marketplace is unlike others you're probably familiar with. Sellers have Ruby Lane Shop Ratings, and give you information about the seller so you don't have to be fearful about purchasing goods.
Browsing the site, it is easy to see that both the creators of Ruby Lane, and the shop owners who post their merchandise take pride in their work. So far we have found many stunning items on Ruby Lane, including as aforementioned, vintage bakelite pieces by Aileen Ward's Bakelite Bits line. We also love the new necklace from another Ruby Lane seller, The Vintage Boutique (which you can take a peek at in The Drawing Board this week)!
-Ruby Lane (; pictures courtesy of respective artists and