Do you love battling for clothing early in the morning at large retail chains? Then you'll love the new Stella McCartney line at H&M. The lines at Boston and New York City H&M locations were formed early, before doors opened, and by the time the crowds all went inside, much of Stella McCartney for H&M was gone. Why? Sales Associates were telling many customers they just didn't have enough of the line to sell; SA's in the Boston store told customers that New York City stores received priority for new shipments over all of the other H&Ms in the U.S. (note to H&M corporate: there are Stella lovers all over the U.S.!). Even in NYC, however, there was not enough merchandise, some shoppers noted. It all seems a bit odd when the line was heavily promoted (magazine ads, the articles in magazines devoted to the line--you could even sign up on the H&M website to receive an email reminder of the line's November 10th debut), enough to bring people to the stores before they opened. Many fans of Stella McCartney, however, were disappointed with the line when it was previewed on the H&M site and stayed away from stores today, the official launch date of the retail chain's limited edition line. While some are less than thrilled at the design and merchandise, we're still hopeful we'll be able to snag a sweater or two before they're gone forever.