Mary Kate Olsen (left) was out and about in
Los Angeles recently, presumably channeling Kate Hudson (at right in a photo taken a few months ago) in the prerequisite concert t-shirt and menswear-inspired headwear--but what happens in
Hollywood when two stars dressed identically collide? How does one know from where the look emerged in the first place? How can anything be an "individual" look if the whole world is watching, and big companies mass produce the next "hot" fashion item? Discuss among yourselves...
Or perhaps it is really Kate Hudson who is trying to get Mary Kate's look by not carrying one coffee beverage, but two at the same time (this is presumably also a habit Mary Kate has, judging from photographs of the NYU defectee/mini-mogul)... One may never know, but chances are that young women and stylists everywhere will suddenly discover a fondness for these "Casablanca" style hats this spring...