Skulls are the new black--want to add panache to an outfit? Throw on a skull patterned scarf or t-shirt. Want to make your guests feel welcome in your home? Towels emblazoned with a skull and crossbones will do the trick (the look is softened by being rendered in pink; available at
So what's behind this? Alexander McQueen's skull scarf from a few seasons back seems to have been the catalyst for this trend--the scarves sold out quickly, and combined soft silk with a hard-edged skull pattern.
SatineBoutique.com has a cold weather alternative in Giulia Persanti's
Rose Skull Scarf.

Delia's has a
pink tote with a slightly friendlier (relatively speaking) skull peering out at onlookers with heart-shaped eyes. Needless to say, one need not pair multiple skull patterns together at once--just one at a time will do, a la Lindsay Lohan. Overall, skulls are a good way to break an outfit up if everything looks a little too perfect. Also, throwing a skull-patterned anything into your outfit makes you just, well, bad-ass and pirate-like (and who doesn't want to be pirate-like?). Ahoy, matey.