A half-serious inquiry: where is it that Urban Outfitters' models exist, and is it perenially warm there? We love Urban for their funky basics and dead-on interpretations of much more expensive clothes (loved the Damsel wide-leg pants Urban sold instead of St. Grace's pricier version), but it is terribly difficult to find anything on the site besides space-dyed sweaters and a limited collection of thermal tees for winter weather. ...And this is not a result of the approaching spring: in Urban Land, even November is the perfect time for an irreverant t-shirt or ethereal sleeveless blouse. Now, this may work for some who live in warm climates, but how about representing the poor souls in Syracuse or numbed-by-winter New Yorkers with some cold weather options? Just a thought. ...But if you absolutely have to have a t-shirt, or you live in a place where people enjoy positively blissful days in eighty degree heat, why not choose the t-shirt at right?